justin = { main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };

These are tracks that we've made (or are making) for our band, Consume. Many of the older versions are the original jam version or experimental version(s) of the song, too.
2009-Sep-25: shutyourmouth instrumental  (11916k)
2007-Nov-30: consume gets wanky  (11991k)
2007-Sep-25: consume will entertain you  (803k)
2007-Aug-31: madeofmeat  (4867k)
2007-Aug-15: bastard  (4969k)
2007-Jun-08: consuming turds  (4301k)
2006-Nov-20: worshipsatan  (3674k)
2006-Nov-08: gob feedbackfun  (6317k)
2006-Sep-04: madeofmeat  (8795k)
2006-Sep-04: acousticrehearsal  (11074k)
2006-Aug-16: brennan condensed  (12150k)
2006-Aug-07: somenewhippymusic  (10304k)
2006-Aug-02: the tuning song  (13408k)
2006-Aug-02: screaming song  (5241k)
2006-Jul-20: madeofmeat feedbackfun  (6733k)
2006-Jul-19: turdy  (4215k)
2006-Jul-14: madeofmeat  (8111k)
2006-Jun-26: bastard freakout  (11039k)
2006-Jun-08: switchingdrums  (8895k)
2006-Jun-08: stupiditty  (2497k)
2006-Jun-08: nudedynamics  (3299k)
2006-Jun-08: funwithsidechaining  (683k)
2006-Jun-08: anothernewthingy  (2312k)
2006-May-29: madeofmeatpipeedit8  (6842k)
2006-Apr-24: shutyourmouth  (5355k)
2006-Apr-24: screaming song  (5280k)
2006-Apr-24: pervert in a satellite  (5999k)
2006-Apr-24: heyman  (5894k)
2006-Apr-24: girl or bitch  (5390k)
2006-Apr-24: bastard  (7444k)
2006-Apr-24: aspartame  (4678k)
2006-Mar-21: madeofmeat  (8484k)
2006-Mar-16: noseprucking  (1007k)
2006-Mar-01: madeofmeat pipednb  (4476k)
2006-Feb-23: newsongoso  (1648k)
2006-Feb-23: heyman rehearsal  (4664k)
2006-Feb-01: mom vox  (6686k)
2006-Feb-01: mom instrumental  (6686k)
2006-Feb-01: gob soft  (6170k)
2005-Sep-23: distaste  (4381k)
2005-Apr-25: almightybastard newdrums  (6065k)
2005-Apr-16: consume madeofmeat  (6366k)
2005-Apr-16: almightybastard  (6038k)
2005-Apr-02: uberbastard  (9000k)
2005-Feb-07: aspartame songfight  (1285k)
2005-Jan-21: heyman  (4681k)
2004-Jun-03: monopoly1964  (10419k)
2004-Apr-21: madeofmeat  (12816k)
    Apr 21, 2004 - Made of Meat (8:54)
    This one is a fantastic song improvised by Brennan (bass, vocals),
    Christophe (drums), and me (ebow+guitar). Soon to be a C,VB!!! song
    no doubt.

2004-Mar-10: sym  (5993k)
    Mar 10, 2004 - Shut Your Mouth (192kbps, 4:09)
    A C,VB!!! song.

2004-Mar-10: pervert  (5424k)
    Mar 10, 2004 - Pervert in a Satellite (192kbps, 3:46)
    A C,VB!!! song.

2004-Feb-28: rehearsal  (10846k)
    Feb 28, 2004 - C,VB!!! Rehearsal (early) (192kbps, 7:31)
    This is an early rehearsal (after a day of practice/arranging) for
    "Consume, Vagina Boy!!!"'s first gig. This rehearsal lacks the proper lyrics,
    the intro, and whatnot.

2004-Feb-27: perv2  (5392k)
2003-Feb-23:   pervert in a satellite  (4204k)
    Feb 23, 2003 - Pervert In A Satellite [80kbps, 7:00]
    This one came about somehow, Brennan spittin the lyrics that carry
    the song. Heh. I'm on guitar, and Francis going to town on the drums.
    Leet. Another crappy dvcam recording.

VIDEO: 040302-rehearsal.nsv  (26594k)
VIDEO: 040303-rehearsal.nsv  (27957k)
VIDEO: 050502_rehearsal.avi  (78039k)
VIDEO: 051026-rehearsal.avi  (135030k)
VIDEO: 060308-brenchr.nsv  (216432k)
VIDEO: 060321-cvbrehearsal.nsv  (231702k)
VIDEO: 060417_rehearse.nsv  (83394k)
VIDEO: 060424_rehearse.nsv  (334692k)
VIDEO: 060515_rehearsal.nsv  (264077k)
VIDEO: 060522_rehearsal.nsv  (176816k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-mar2004.nsv  (34408k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-may-2005.avi  (278355k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-may-2005.mov  (70096k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-may-2005.nsv  (76475k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-oct-2005-hq.avi  (262272k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-oct-2005-hq.mov  (210162k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-oct-2005-lq.avi  (79617k)
VIDEO: cvb-live-oct-2005-lq.mov  (55908k)
Copyright © 1996-2025 Justin Frankel