music/Songs/oink. most of these are works in progress....
friday13 (3456k) Love Somebody (Mastered) (4907k) Love Somebody (Mastered v0) (4946k) A Little Pop Will Save Us All (Mastered) (4775k) A Little Pop Will Save Us All (Mastered v0) (4703k) 2018-Nov-29: cory sowego (2185k) 2018-Mar-28: the squeeze (6964k) 2016-Oct-30: alene i min egen verden (6355k) 2016-Oct-18: almost got away v3 (4901k) 2007-Aug-03: thefunk (4734k) 2007-May-15: return of the bidet (3793k) 2007-Jan-05: birds (5567k) 2006-Dec-30: madeline (1664k) 2006-Dec-30: birds (5567k) 2006-Sep-25: lovesomebody (4875k) 2006-Sep-25: alittlepopwillsaveusall (4703k) 2006-Sep-21: alittlepopwillsaveusall (4643k) 2006-Aug-23: booga manning1vox (3395k) 2006-Jul-13: lovesomebody (4875k) 2006-Mar-26: ilovela moreedit (9874k) 2006-Jan-16: ilovela roughy (9773k) 2005-Sep-17: untitled feat david wiener (4687k) 2005-Aug-23: pundits feat Bob Janousek (4681k) 2005-Aug-21: sentry feat Bob Janousek (4725k) 2005-Jun-15: good as gold feat dave wiener (4005k) 2005-May-19: ownership society feat ron (5041k)